
Journey Through Fairhaven: A D&D Choose-Your-Own Adventure

Created by Printable Adventure

Experience a solo or duo DnD/RPG 650+ pages adventure! No DM needed! Shape stories, fight battles with maps, and explore your own path.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

#25 June update
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 06:42:11 AM

Hello all,

it has been another long month and the time is finally here for us to reveal what we have been up to.

Drumroll... Due to the generous contributions of all of you, we went ahead and fulfilled our dream, we got ourselves an office space. Currently, it's still Lutz and myself and of course, there is still a lot to do and furniture to add, however, our work areas are set up and we are ready to go.

We want to create the highest quality content we can and there is no way around it at some point. Your support and the funds enabled us to make this leap of faith and start our own business.

Our current focus is to finish 'Journey through Fairhaven' and get those PDFs, Book, Tokens, Dice, and Roll 20 packages out to everyone who supported this campaign, but there is a lot to come.

Current status

Chapter 3 is still being polished, as this is our largest chapter by a mile, and this will still take some time to perfect.

Chapter 4 is coming along nicely, but of course, setting up our office space took away a lot of our time. This was all included in our timetable and we won't risk publishing the book late.


Our Playtest on DriveThroughRPG has now been downloaded over 100 times and generated a few additional preorders.


We have breached the 95% and the surveys are now 96% complete. Please if you haven't by now, complete them. We will lock orders on 15.07, so half a month, after this date, you will only be able to change your shipping address, but your order will be locked.

Pre-order Store

Plans for the future

Now that we have our own office space, we have more time and dedicated resources to work on additional projects we want to bring to you.

First and foremost, we want to continue the story of Fairhaven in the same style. We are planning to do dedicated CYOA books for each of the 12 base dnd classes. Starting with stories from levels 1-3 and continuing into higher levels once we finish all 12 books.

These books will let you explore more of Ardentia and they will all be set in alternate timelines, so you'll have something new to discover even if you decide to play all 12 of them.

For this, we have decided to release new content continuously on Patreon. You can already check it out and subscribe as a free member, so you'll be informed once we start uploading our new content after Fairhaven has been released. There is also some legacy content on there from our first tries at making content.

Taking this route has several advantages:

  • Shorter wait times: We will post the chapters (or half chapters, depending on the size) once they are finished in bite-sized pieces. So you don't have to wait to play until we have written the complete book. And you always have something to play in between sessions.
  • Choose-you-own-adventure, literally: With direct feedback and voting possibilities on Patreon, we will enable you to vote on the direction we are taking, announce your wishes and feedback, and create these stories with all of you, right from the beginning.
  • Dedicated Shop: Backerkit will eventually close as we lock everyone's orders and we need a place to sell our PDF. Patreon enables us to start our webshop right on the platform and here you will find 'Journey Through Fairhaven' and all future books as a one-time purchase PDF version.
  • Fast delivery on future Kickstarters: We know that Patreon isn't for everyone and we don't want to force anyone into supporting us there. To enable everyone to experience our stories we will still do a Kickstarter campaign for our printed book versions with a reduced price. The Kickstarter campaigns will be done once we are close enough to have finished a new book and will also have the added benefit of an incredibly short lead time, as we 'just' have to print and ship out the already close-to-finished books. Also, we can still shoot for some great Kickstarter-exclusive stretch goals!
  • Less risk for us: Having a steady income stream enables us to finance our office space and will hopefully enable us to do this part-time and hopefully full-time at some point.

A Patreon isn't the only thing we are working on at the moment. The ones who joined our Discord already saw a short spoiler. We have started to produce TTRPG accessories. Wooden RPG terrain, wooden miniatures (28mm scale), dice boxes, dice towers, acrylic character sheets, and much more will be purchasable from us on Amazon. We currently limit our sales to our home country Germany, but we plan to expand further in the future.

Why are we telling you this, when this is a Kickstarter project?

All of those products, and more, will also be purchasable as addons during our future Kickstarter projects. We plan to create custom-made dice boxes, and miniature and terrain packages suited for our future books. So in the future, you will not only be able to get, for example, the barbarian level 1-3 book, but also the terrain and miniatures needed for that exact book to play.

Individually your support may not be that much for you, but as a sum, it has spun a lot of wheels. We wanted to take this opportunity to once again thank all of you. Your support has brought us a lot of joy, opportunities, and possibilities to keep doing what we love. For that, we will be forever grateful to all of you.

That is all for now.

Best regards,

Your Printable Adventure Team

#24 Mai Update
5 months ago – Sun, May 26, 2024 at 04:31:51 AM

Hello all,

the last month has been very eventful and there is a lot to share with all of you.

Chapter 3

We have finished writing Chapter 3 and are now just adjusting some minor things and fine-tuning some minor stories, all in all, 168 pages are done. Because Chapter 3 is so large, we have decided to increase the number of chapters from 4 to 5.

Chapter 3 is all about traveling through Ardentia and getting a glimpse of the different classes of dnd. We wanted to highlight one of the locations that is my personal favorite:

The Monastery of the Iron Cask

The artwork is a work in progress

Nestled in the green valleys of a mountain range high up north in Ardentia, the Monastery of the Iron Cask enjoys the bounty of one of the springs that feed Lake Mirrordance. The region's fertile soil produces abundant crops, and this natural bounty attracted the first monk over a century ago.

The founding monk, seeking enlightenment and tranquillity, wandered into these lush valleys and was immediately captivated by the breathtaking views, the crisp, refreshing air, and the fertile earth teeming with life. He decided that this serene place would be his home, and so he stayed for the rest of his days.

During his time there, the monk discovered that the local crops were not only plentiful, but also perfect for brewing. Driven by a desire to quench his thirst, he began experimenting with brewing drinks from the local grains and fruits. The resulting brews were so delicious that he couldn't stop from creating more and more variants and found himself with more than he could consume on his own.

He rolled barrels of his creations down the hills to the nearest village, where the locals quickly developed a taste for his unique drinks. Word spread and people began to visit the monk's remote valley, drawn by the promise of his extraordinary drinks. Some visitors, enchanted by both the drinks and the monk's peaceful way of life, decided to stay and learn from him.

Over the years, what began as the refuge of a single monk has grown into a thriving monastery. The Brotherhood of the Iron Cask was founded on the principles of work and peace, with monks dedicated to brewing, farming, and meditation. The monastery grew into a place of sanctuary and community, all born out of one monk's love for the beauty and bounty of the valley.

Chapter 4

We are about to begin work on Chapter 4. Here you will return to Fairhaven to tie up loose ends. All the groundwork has been done, and the general direction and our vision is set, now we just need to get the words onto the pages. Chapter 4 will most likely span about 60-80 pages.

Chapter 5

In Chapter 5 you will return to one of the twelve locations and set your character in the perfect position to continue his story from here, your background story will end at this point and all you have to do from here on out is to level up to level 1. In Chapter 5 we will open up a grand quest for each class to pursue as a life goal and something your DM can easily implement into his campaign. Or something we will use for future books ourselves.


We are still in the process of getting our first test prints, but we hope to get them within the next month.

General time table

We are confidently ahead of schedule and currently see no problems in keeping our planned October release date. 


We have decided to upload our Playtest Preview to DriveThruRPG to extend our reach you can check it out here. 


31 surveys are still missing, we'd like to remind you that we will need to close the orders within the next two months to have reliable information for the print house. So please finish up those surveys so you don't miss out on your rewards.

Pre-order store

That is all for now, we have some amazing news to share with you next month, so be excited.

Best regards,

Your Printable Adventure Team

# 23 April update
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 08:41:24 AM

Hello everyone,

our team enjoyed a few days off this month. However, this time has been very productive. We have finished outlining the rest of the story and all the mechanics we have planned for our story, such as the quick combat system. Now we 'just' have to finish writing it.

General update

We are currently updating our playtest material and will be uploading it to various platforms, such as the DM guild. This material will be free of charge and we hope that it will bring more attention to our project.

We are currently in talks with some Print houses to get some test prints of the softcover and hardcover versions of the book. We want to get this done earlier so that we have enough time to make changes before we go into production. We are looking forward to getting them and showing them to all of you.

We have some big news about the future of Printable Adventure that we will be able to share in about a month's time.

Chapter 3

As I mentioned earlier, we have finished the story for Chapter 3 and even Chapter 4. We expect to finish the first draft of Chapter 3 this month and move on to Chapter 4, which will be much shorter.

Chapter 4

For Chapter 4, we hope to have it done by June at the latest. That way we can move on to the online parts (roll 20 dice) and the DM guide.


There are still 5% of the polls open on the BackerKit. If you have lost your survey, please go here and enter your email address to receive another survey link. We will be closing and billing orders most likely at the end of June to have the correct and final number of books we need to print.

BackerKit Pre-order store

So if you want to upgrade your pledge, or are still on the edge of a pre-order, it will be closed as soon as we lock the orders. We will be selling a physical book at a later date, but most likely only the storybook. So if you want a physical copy of the bestiary, this is your last chance.

This is all for now, we are looking forward to next month's update.

Best regards,

Your Printable Adventure Team

#22 March Update
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 03:13:59 PM

Hello all,

another month has gone by and we have been progressing well. Our apologies for the fact that things have been rather quiet, but we are really concentrating on the writing at the moment. We want to get the biggest chunks of the book done so that we have plenty of time to do fine-tuning later on.

General Updates

We have updated our playtes/preview material. We have also uploaded v3 of our storybook and v2 of our bestiary to give you a better idea of the project's current state as a whole. You can find the resources here.

Chapter 2

Lutz is still busy with the finishing touches to chapter 2, as every time we meet we have new ideas for Fairhaven, and we have to implement them retroactively for chapters 1 and 2. There will come a time when we will have to stop coming up with new ideas to improve the book and save them for a new project. 

But for now, we are working on a quick combat ruleset, a guide to combat without the use of battle maps, and we have added a system to track your character's alignment, which, depending on your alignment, will offer you unique choices or allow you to automatically succeed on some checks.

Chapter 3

The general structure and direction are set, and we've already got a third of Chapter 3 written. This is our primary goal at the moment, as there is still a lot of work to be done.


We have reached 95% on the surveys. That one percent took some time, let's get the last 5% done as well.

If you have lost your survey, please follow the steps from this link.

That is all for now, we will be back next month.

Best regards,

your Printable Adventure Team

#21 February Update / Playtest
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 10:49:40 AM

Hello everyone,

another month, another early update, but we really wanted to get this out to you.


Our playtest was done successfully, and we got some great feedback from our Playtesters. For everyone who wants to get their hands on some of our new material and doesn't have Discord, here is the link to our playtest documents. We also included the v2.0 updated version that includes some of the feedback points we have already reworked.

The Bestiary and Character Sheet are still in the old format, as they have already undergone a larger transformation and have future spoilers on them. The old formats have some flaws, but for the purposes of the playtest, they are suitable enough.

General Updates

  • We have updated our chapter boss page design. Two full pages of dedicated art to immerse you into the tough battles that are up ahead.
  • The PDF versions of our books will include clickable links and shortcuts to allow for easy navigation between the pages
  • Our Character sheet has been updated and features a second page for notes, key decision tracking, and alignment tracking

Chapter 2

We have finished writing Chapter 2 and are now doing polishing work. We currently have 200 pages of story written, 90 of which are Chapter 1 and 110 in Chapter 2 and we are now moving on to Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

This Chapter will be the largest in our Story Book, approximately spanning 150–200 pages. Here, your character will get the opportunity to dip into and experience the different classes of DnD, making the first experiences with the different abilities and play styles that come with these classes. Your character will also venture out from the borders of Fairhaven into the different locations within Ardentia.

We expect Chapter 3 to take up the largest amount of time spent on writing, but with the playtest and our in-house playtesting, we have now found our style and are confident we can finish this up as fast, if not faster, than Chapter 2. 


At the moment, 94% of all surveys are complete. Keep it up.

Click here to visit our pre-order store

That is all for now, we will be back next month.

Best regards,

your Printable Adventure Team